OpNewblood Guide for IRC Chat Setup & Anonymity

First off, welcome to the internet.

We are Anonymous, and have been gaining popularity and press with stories ranging from Wikileaks, to Protests against Scientology, to the Westboro Baptist Church, to Stephen Colbert's The Colbert Report, to Bank of America, to Mastercard and Paypal, to the lawsuit against GeoHotz from Sony, and to the HBGary Scandal (see 1st video below). If you are unfamiliar with Anonymous, the videos below this paragraph sum it up quite well, so watch the super cool moving picture video thingyz directly below this to get an idea of what we do. If you're already familiar with Anonymous, these videos aren't really neccessary.


Wait, wut, ok, anyways. This is the tutorial information for #OpNewblood. Our mission is helping people interested in Anonymous get started, ranging from computer users who are constantly searching for the 'any key', to users who build and design supercomputers (ie Watson). Anyways, currently we cover helping you get a setup that allows you to stay in regular contact with other Anonymous and to help you browse and use the internet without exposing your location or any other sensitive information.

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