this is a message from Spid3r, who has been with Anonymous for the past 7 years "Yes, I fi…
Twitter accounts signed as members of the Anonymous group have claimed responsibility for disrup…
At dawn on January 13, 2 023, a group of hackers called KiraSec attacked the website of Domain…
The #Anonymous collective and other hacker groups has been launching 'full-scale' cyber…
On the afternoon of January 12, the Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and I…
World’s largest hacker community tells Serbian president: “Stop Destabilizing the region and s…
As far as is known, the yemen hacker group has taken action to provoke Anonymous causing cont…
Tehran's police chief says the death of a woman in custody was an "unfortunate" …
Hackers are taking advantage of recently disclosed and older vulnerabilities in Oracle WebLogic …
A zero-day vulnerability in the WordPress BackupBuddy plugin is being actively exploited by …
A cybersecurity researcher has revealed a critical command injection vulnerability affecting m…
Cisco vừa vá 8 lỗ hổng, 3 trong đó cho phép kẻ tấn công thực thi mã từ xa không cần xác thực h…
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