The Anonymous collective and other hacker groups has been launching 'full-scale' cyberattacks on Serbian government websites

 The #Anonymous collective and other hacker groups has been launching 'full-scale' cyberattacks on Serbian government websites, as part of #OpSerbia campaign. More than 40 Serbian websites have been taken down in the last 72 hours.

Anonymous and other hacker groups have launched cyber attacks against Serbian government websites.

This is not the first time that they attack the online pages of the Serbian government, as a response to the incitement that the president of Serbia was making in the north of Kosovo.

According to them, the attacks are being carried out "on a large scale" as part of the #OpSerbia campaign.

In the announcement made on Twitter, it was announced that more than 40 web pages of the Serbian government have been taken down in the last 72 hours.

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